Windows Client...
Phil Costelloe
philc at
Wed Jan 26 11:05:03 CET 2005
Emmett Hogan wrote:
> Thanks for the info. Since we have a number of NT4 servers, I guess
> we'll stick with nsclient. I am having a problem determining the
> status of services and processes where the name contains one or more
> spaces. I have tried all manner of quoting but to no avail. Any
> suggestions on how to find out the exact service name to use? (We are
> using what shows up in the services dialog box on the NT machine). :-(
On W2K and later, the actual service name (the one without embedded
spaces) is displayed in the services dialog box as "Service Name". On
NT4, you have to find the actual name from the registry as described
in another reply. This can sometimes be trickier than you might think
since the registry key name is the service name so you have to know it
in order to find it. :)
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