Variable showing $ in email & pages?
Subhendu Ghosh
sghosh at
Fri Jan 28 15:27:31 CET 2005
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Bill Akins wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running Nagios 2.0b1 on RedHat Enterprise 3 (kernel
> 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp).
> I have recently installed Nagios and have 99 hosts and almost 200
> services defined and monitoring works great! I am having a very minor
> problem with alerting. I get the messages by email and pager, but it
> seems Nagios is passing the variable for datetime & output as an empty
> and is catching the trailing $ as shown below:
> ***** Nagios *****
> Notification Type: RECOVERY
> Service: MTA
> Host: GroupWise Server 0
> Address: AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD
> State: OK
> Date/Time: $
> Additional Info:
> $
> The relevant sections of misccommands.cfg follow:
> # 'notify-by-email' command definition
> define command{
> command_name notify-by-email
> command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios
> *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService:
> $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $DATETIME$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$OUTPUT$"
> | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ alert - $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$
> }
> # 'notify-by-epager' command definition
> define command{
> command_name notify-by-epager
> command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "Service:
> $SERVICESTATE$\nInfo: $OUTPUT$\nDate: $DATETIME$" | /bin/mail -s
> }
> Any clues on this one? It's not a show-stopper since email and pages
> have a time stamp, but I would like to have it working before I show the
> boss what Nagios can do for us.
> Thanx!
You are using the commands definitions from 1.x and some of the macros
have changed in 2.0 to support the new features...
$OUTPUT$ should be $SERVICEOUTPUT$ or $HOSTOUTPUT$ depending on the
$DATETIME$ should be $LONGDATETIME$ or $SHORTDATETIME$ and depends on the
date_format directive in nagios.cfg
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