Indirect host and service checks to Wintel platform
Dan Stromberg
strombrg at
Fri Jan 28 19:49:47 CET 2005
You'll likely either want to allow connections from your nagios server
through to your windows boxes that need monitoring, or use a unix/linux
box behind your firewall to do the checking, and then use "passive
checking" to push the results out to the central nagios server. Another
option is to allow ssh through the firewall to a particular unix/linux
host, and check_by_ssh.
On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 18:30 +0800, yu-ting_liu at wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a user of nagios.
> Due to firewall I have to use indirect host/service checking. Now I have implemented it to UNIX clients but for Window2000 clients which use NSClient, I don't know if it's possible and how to do it? Anybody has such experience or any helpful document introduced?
> BTW my server and indirect host are all Linux platform.
> Thanks & Regards!
> Yu Ting
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