Issue with check_disk when mounts exist on the server.
Martijn Lievaart
m at
Mon Jan 31 23:12:17 CET 2005
Nathan Oyler wrote:
>I find that I have had quite a few problems with check_disk with mounts
>on the machine.
>I have -x'd the mounts, so my checkdisk looks normal with -x /mnt/blah
>And it doesn't show the mount on the check. However I am getting a
>warning about something.
>DISK WARNING [33534504 kB (97%) free on /dev/hda3] [59017 kB (80%) free
>on /dev/hda1] [1290856 kB (100%) free on /dev/shm]
>Is what I get, although there are two mounts being -x'd, however they
>more free than my limit for a warning on the check.
>4 machines at once, all rh 8.0 mounting the same directories. Just
>started happening.
>What is the exact command check disk calls so I can test that?
>[root at triad8 plugins]# ./check_nrpe -H 5b1.dc -c check_disk
>DISK WARNING [33534500 kB (97%) free on /dev/hda3] [59017 kB (80%) free
>on /dev/
>hda1] [1290856 kB (100%) free on /dev/shm]
I'm having similar problems, but with check_disk called by check_nrpe.
Do you use nrpe as well?
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