Command line options
Lewis Getschel
lgetschel at
Wed Jul 6 20:20:29 CEST 2005
Is it possible? Yes! anything is possible ;-)
Is is Easy? Well... it's not a one-liner.
I have an event handler that automatically acknowledges my disk warnings
when they go below 10% free. (And emails the users...)
Here is that portion of the script to create the proper format of the
acknowledgment and service comment to place into the nagios "command pipe"
# This is not a complete script here, just a snippet
# echo Passed Parameters are:
#echo 1 -$1 -SERVICESTATE >> /tmp/nagios_event_debug.txt
#echo 2 -$2 -STATETYPE >> /tmp/nagios_event_debug.txt
#echo 3 -$3 -SERVICEATTEMPT >> /tmp/nagios_event_debug.txt
#echo 4 -$4 -HOSTNAME >> /tmp/nagios_event_debug.txt
#echo 5 -$5 -SERVICEDESC >> /tmp/nagios_event_debug.txt
# Now put the acknowledgment into Nagios so it doesn't continue to show
warning/critical state
# get the current date/time in seconds since UNIX epoch
datetime=`date +%s`
# create the command lines to add to the command file
# In next line, the 4th parameter is 0=non-persistant, 1=persistant
ADD_SVC_COMMENT;$4;$5;1;Nagios_script;ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:FS $freediskspace
free disk,mail sent to $numberofmailsent users"
# Comment appears as: 06-14-2005 09:41:30 Nagios_script
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:FS 10% free disk,mail sent to 23 users 1412 Yes
cmdline2="[$datetime] ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM;$4;$5;0;FS
$freediskspace freedisk, mail sent to $numberofmailsent users"
`$echocmd $cmdline1 >> $CommandFile`
`$echocmd $cmdline2 >> $CommandFile`
Ed Smith wrote:
>Does anyone know if there is a way to acknowledge something from the command line, or by editing a file. We have nagios setup in a place where we cannot access the web interface, but we need to acknowledge a service alert (for the web server, ironically). Is there a way to do this from the os lever? Thanks.
>Ed Smith
>Edward Smith
>Systems Application Engineer
>DemandTec, Inc
>esmith at
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