monitor memory usage on w2k/2k3 server?

vol volker.aust at
Thu Jun 2 13:37:41 CEST 2005

Am 18:07 01.06.2005 schrieb Daniel maher:
>Hello all,
>I am looking for a way to monitor the usage of physical RAM on Windows 
>2000 (and 2003) servers.  I have tried Xavier Dusart's 
>plugin, as well as Manubulon's  Dusart's plugin 
>fails entirely, while Manubulon's only appears to pull out the virtual 
>memory, not the physical RAM.  What makes this tricky (I suppose), is that 
>I cannot install any agents on the Windows servers; this means no NSClient 
>or any such thing.
>Does anybody have any ideas?

Hello Daniel,

you can query W2K3 Server for physical memory. There is a table of storage 
entries (disks, virtual memory, physical memory) in the host resource MIB:            hrStorageType            hrStorageDesc            hrStorageAllocUnits            hrStorageSize            hrStorageUsed

with the type        type = physical mem

for physical memory. You have to search for "" in the "Type" field 
to get the index. Then you have to query "AllocUnits", "Size" and "Used" 
for this index and multiply "AllocUnits" and "Size" to get the physical 
memory size (IIRC in Bytes). By multiply "AllocUnits" and "Used" you get 
the used physical memory (IIRC in Bytes).

This method unfortunately does not work for W2K.

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