Simple question!

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Jun 8 16:49:14 CEST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagios-users-admin at [mailto:nagios-users-
> admin at] On Behalf Of Pavleck, Jeremy
> Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:14 PM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Simple question!
> Hello,
>  Just a simple question here but it will go a long ways in helping me
> figure this all out.
>  I have an install of 2.03b and would like to add hosts to it. I see
> these configs, and managed to add a couple. My simple question is -
> exactly what configs do I need to work with if I want to add a host
> a check?
>  Just trying to get this done right, so I don't have to go and rework
> everything after theres several thousand entries because I didn't
> clarify myself now.

There is not 'right' way to build your configs. Each person does them
differently depending on their circumstances and methodology. There is a
lot of flexibility but typically people create one file that contains
all their contacts and contactgroups, one file that contains all the
command definitions and also resource.cfg file for the specific items
that must go there (detailed in the docs). As far as your host and
service definitions you should add a few to get a feel for what's
involved and then think about the kinds of changes you'll be making in
the future. You could have one file per hostgroup containing host,
service and hostgroup definitions, one file for host definitions, one
file for service definitions and one file for hostgroup definitions _or_
you could use the config_dir directive and have each host and service
definitions be a unique file. Those are just examples and there are many
permutations that you could employ. I personally have one file for each
of my major service platforms which contains host, service and hostgroup
definitions for that platform that are hand edited as they only contain
a half-dozen devices each and I monitor many different things on them,
then I have script generated files that contain host, service and
hostgroup entries for the hundreds of devices that are behind each
service platform for which I only monitor ping status.


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