trends.cgi not always working!

Fabalabs Mailing-Lists mailing-lists at
Wed Jun 22 11:16:29 CEST 2005



I'm having troubles with the functionality of the trends.cgi page.

Sometimes it works and sometimes not.

--> The resulting error message says:


                Error: Could not read object configuration data!

                Here are some things you should check ...



I've tested it really comprehensive, but I didn't find the real reason of this bug.


For example:

I've a host with the name "new2" for which I can view the trends page (host view)

This host contains 2 services (PING, SSH): (both currently in status critical)

*          The Trend-Page for PING doesn't work!

*          But the Trend-Page for SSH does work!

The weird thing is, that both trend-info pages do work, if I call them out of the service detail page (view trends for this service)


Another example: (the other way round)

My host "Management server" has the services "Disk Usage: /" and "Disk Usage: /var"

*          Here both trends-pages selected out of the trends main page do work

*          But if I call the trends-page out of the service-detail page:

o         "Disk Usage: /var" doesn't work!

o         "Disk Usage: /" works


And the Trends-Page for the "Management server" itself don't work in both cases (neither through the host detail page link, nor through direct call with the trends.cgi page)




I also had the problem that the trends-page will be displayed but the graph window was empty / wasn't displayed. If you then click on the empty graph window, the error message mentioned above occurs (couldn't read obj. config data)


I don't know how to solve this problem!



System and version info:

*          nagios 2.0b3

*          nagios-plugins-1.4

*          RHEL4ES

*          Firefox 1.04

*          Apache 2.0.52


Best regards,

                Klaus Pesendorfer



Klaus Pesendorfer

Software Engineer

Fabalabs Software GmbH

Honauerstraße 4

A-4020  Linz

Tel.: +43 732 2468 5092

e-mail: mailto:klaus.pesendorfer at <BLOCKED::> 


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