Is there a SQL Plugin

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Sun Jun 26 13:14:17 CEST 2005

Trivia time. :)

Paul L. Allen wrote:
> Daniel Benoy writes:
>> SQL is just a Database language..
> True.

SQL = Structured Query Language. It's connected with databases only by 
coincidense, just like any UNIX OS could have apps written in Pascal 
rather than C.

>> There are many programs which use the SQL language, including mysql,
>> oracle and  postgresql.
> Not entirely true.  Each database has its own proprietary extensions.  That
> said, I cannot conceive of any *sane* system where a plugin would need to
> check the functioning of those proprietary features rather than performing
> a simpler check of access to a particular table or record.

There's also ANSI SQL. Most (all?) RDBM's servers implement a superset 
of the required parts of the language, and the various dialects all use 
the same "grammar". Not all the big ones implement all the optional 
parts of the ANSI SQL (MySQL f.e.).

>> The reason why a plugin refers specifically to mysql is because each
>> database server has its own independant protocol for transfering SQL 
>> commands and results.
> Not entirely true.  Microsoft's SQL Server ripped off somebody else's
> protocol - it's the Microsoft way, they never innovate, they either buy
> somebody else's technology (if they have to) or rip it off (if they can
> get away with it).

That would be the tabular datastream protocol (TDS, as in FreeTDS) which 
is also used by Sybase database servers. That's why the perl module 
DBD::Sybase also can be used to access MS-SQL servers if it's built 
against the FreeTDS libs.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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