Event Handlers Problem
Thomas Beecher
tbeecher at localnet.com
Wed May 4 18:11:27 CEST 2005
Here you go....
#by Tom Beecher
#Event Handler Script for Nagios
#Usage (as called from Nagios Command definition): restart_pm3.pl
use strict;
use lib qw ( /home/noc/lib);
require 'hostinfo.pm';
use vars qw ( %hosts );
# Assign variables based on params passed from Nagios macros
my $hostname = @ARGV[0];
my $hoststate = @ARGV[1];
open LOG, ">>log";
my $time = gmtime;
print LOG "Called at $time.\n";
foreach (@ARGV){
print LOG "$_\n"
print LOG "----------------------------------------------------------\n";
close LOG;
#Proceed based on state of host
if ($hoststate eq "UP"){
#If host is up, don't do anything, we don't care, we'll get
paged on the recovery
elsif ($hoststate eq "UNREACHABLE"){
#If host is unreachable, don't do anything. We'll get paged.
Probably have bigger problems anyway.
elsif ($hoststate eq "DOWN"){
#Make sure we're working with a Portmaster, don't want to auto
reboot routers and switches
$_ = $hostname;
if (/buf.*/){
#Pull value from the master hash
my $reboot_switch_ip = get_value(
$hostname,'reboot_switch_ip' );
my $reboot_switch_outlet = get_value(
#If no or incorrect info, don't attempt the reboot
unless (($reboot_switch_ip eq
undef)||($reboot_switch_outlet eq undef)){
#Cycle outlet first, then turn it on. A cycle
won't turn on an outlet that may have been switched off
system "/home/noc/scripts/powerreboot.pl --ip
$reboot_switch_ip --outlet $reboot_switch_outlet --function cycle --user
admin --pass admin\n";
sleep 2;
system "/home/noc/scripts/powerreboot.pl --ip
$reboot_switch_ip --outlet $reboot_switch_outlet --function on --user
admin --pass admin\n";
Thomas Beecher II
Network Administrator
tbeecher at localnet.com
admin at jpk236.com wrote:
> Thomas,
> Can we see the contents of this perl script you wrote? Perhaps it's
> a problem within the script? Thanks.
> - Justin Kulikowski
> [ http://www.jpk236.com ]
> Thomas Beecher wrote:
>> Well, that was a serious brain fart on my part!!
>> I moved the script to /usr/local/nagios/libexec/, and changed
>> checkcommands.cfg to show:
>> define command{
>> command_name restart_pm3
>> command_line $USER1$/restart_pm3.pl $HOSTNAME$ $HOSTSTATE$
>> }
>> $USER1$ is defined in resource.cfg as
>> $USER1$=/usr/local/nagios/libexec
>> Permissions on the file are:
>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 nagios nagios 1701 2005-05-04 10:47 restart_pm3.pl
>> I've changed the ownership to nagios/nagios to prevent any other
>> potential permission issues.
>> This returns the following:
>> [1115221615] HOST ALERT: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;1;Telnet: CRITICAL - Socket
>> timeout after 1 seconds<br>SNMP: CRITICAL: snmpget returned errors: 1
>> ( )<br>PING: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (
>> [1115221615] HOST EVENT HANDLER: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;1;restart_pm3
>> [1115221625] HOST ALERT: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;2;Telnet: CRITICAL - Socket
>> timeout after 1 seconds<br>SNMP: CRITICAL: snmpget returned errors: 1
>> ( )<br>PING: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (
>> [1115221625] HOST EVENT HANDLER: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;2;restart_pm3
>> [1115221634] HOST ALERT: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;3;Telnet: CRITICAL - Socket
>> timeout after 1 seconds<br>SNMP: CRITICAL: snmpget returned errors: 1
>> ( )<br>PING: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (
>> [1115221634] HOST EVENT HANDLER: buftest;DOWN;SOFT;3;restart_pm3
>> It doesn't error out, and seems to call the script, but it still
>> doesn't run.
>> I have not tested the script as the Nagios user, however the front of
>> the script is set to dump whatever args get passed to it out to a file
>> before doing anything else, so if it was choking somwhere in the
>> script it would still be logged that it ran.
>> Thomas Beecher II
>> Network Administrator
>> LocalNet, Inc
>> tbeecher at localnet.com
>> Marc Powell wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagios-users-admin at lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:nagios-users-
>>>> admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Thomas Beecher
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:31 AM
>>>> To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> Subject: [Nagios-users] Event Handlers Problem
>>>> I am working with the Nagios event handlers, and I'm coming across a
>>>> problem I can't seem to get a handle on.
>>>> I've got a perl script (restart_pm3.pl) that I want to be called as a
>>>> host event handler, and pass two macros: $HOSTNAME$ and $HOSTSTATE$.
>>> At
>>>> present, I have the following set up:
>>>> In hosts.cfg
>>>> define host{
>>>> use generic-host
>>>> host_name buftest
>>>> alias buftest
>>>> address
>>>> contact_groups noc
>>>> event_handler restart_pm3
>>>> }
>>>> In checkcommands.cfg
>>>> define command{
>>>> command_name restart_pm3
>>>> command_line /home/tbeecher/test_scripts/restart_pm3.pl
>>>> }
>>>> The Nagios logs show that the even handler is called when the service
>>>> checks fail and the host goes down:
>>>> [1115216792] HOST ALERT: buftest;DOWN;HARD;10;Telnet: CRITICAL -
>>> Socket
>>>> timeout after 1 seconds<br>SNMP: CRITICAL: snmpget returned errors: 1
>>> (
>>>> )<br>PING: CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (
>>>> [1115216792] HOST EVENT HANDLER: buftest;DOWN;HARD;10;restart_pm3
>>>> So far so good right?
>>>> Well, the actual perl script is never executed. I have execute
>>>> permissions on it for everyone, and edited it so it logs every time it
>>>> is executed, and what ARGVs were passed to it. Works fine when called
>>>> manuallt from a command line, but Nagios never calls is. Any insight?
>>> On most modern systems, user accounts in /home are only accessible by
>>> that user (i.e. tbeecher in your case). Are the permissions on
>>> /home/tbeecher such that the nagios user can access the directory? I
>>> know you said you tested it from the command line but you didn't specify
>>> if your test was run as the nagios user.
>>> --
>>> Marc
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