Passive checks via NSCA in distributed network
Rancier, Jeff
Jeff.Rancier at
Tue May 24 17:52:47 CEST 2005
Hello All,
I have an unusual circumstance, in that the hosts which need monitoring are
physically isolated by a one-way switch. Something like this:
accessible remote remote
host host1 host2
________________ _________________
| web interface | one-way | remote Nagios |<===>| NRPE Daemon |
|----------------| <-------- | process | -------------
| core Nagios switch |-----------------|
| process | | NSCA UDP Client |
|----------------| |-----------------|
| NSCA Daemon | | check_nrpe |
---------------- -----------------
Is something like this possible? The remote Nagios process would monitor
multiple hosts/services on it's side of the switch, and then somehow forward
the external commands to the main process. ???
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