Nagiostat and *.rrd archives not functioning after disk crash

Peter Farrell peter.d.farrell at
Fri Nov 11 14:05:15 CET 2005


We've had a disk error on one of our nagios servers, which we had to
reboot to repair.
After rebooting, all nagios functions work fine, but none of the
nagiostat graphs will display.
Initially, we thought the problem was with the services.cfg file. (At
the time of the crash, the file was open, and after reboot was named
'services.swp' - we re-wrote the file and diff'd it against a copy to
make sure it was ok.)
The debug.log in /usr/local/nagios/nagiostat reports now that it's
regex sees the services, and hostnames, shows the RRDCMDLINE inserts
taking place. However, when you look at the rrd archive directory none
of the files have been updated since the crash on Wednesday. When run
from the command line as user 'nagios' we can manually update the rrd
archive, but the cgi still doesn't display the graph itself.

Although the nagiostat debug.log reports no errors per se, if we move
all the rrd archvies into a tmp folder, the debug.log reports:
!!ERROR: RRD-archive
'/usr/local/nagios/nagiostat/archives/jupiter-swap.rrd' does not exist
or is not writable by effective UID.
Which is curious, as previously, when you did that it would simpy
create a new rrd file and carry on...

Any idea of non-persistent changes that may have been in effect before
the crash?

Additionally, we thought that perhaps other files that were being
written to at the time  of the crash may be the culprit, and so we
recreated the hostperfdata and systemperfdata but that was a red

The permissions are correct, all files seem intact.

Any ideas or direction would be appreciated.

-Peter Farrell

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