Netsaint0.0.7-> Nagios2.0b4 (Contact group changes - The contact_groups directive has been moved from hostgroup definitions to host definitions.)

Declan McKay declan.mckay at
Fri Nov 11 16:36:50 CET 2005


on converting my Netsaint config files to the Nagios config file format using the Nagios Config File Converter I noticed that the pre-flight check is failing with an error for each 
Host defined in the hosts file -  "No default contact group defined for host Blah..."

The documentation however does mention the following:-
Contact group changes - The contact_groups directive has been moved from hostgroup definitions to host definitions. This was done in order to maintain consistency with the way service contacts are specified. Make sure to update your config files!

Has anyone wrote a script which will output the changes correctly or one that will read & write the contact_groups from old Netsaint object file to new Nagios object file.

Appreciate if anyone has already wrote a script for such amendments - if they could forward it on.

Also -  has anyone an idea as to when Nagios-2 will be available as a "Stable" release?



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