Multiple links from serviceextinfo to graphs?

Max btmanmeh at
Mon Nov 21 17:02:10 CET 2005

I have mrtg setup on my Nagios box to link to whatever graph I want 
specified in my serviceextinfo.cfg. I looked at the documentation but 
couldn't find the answer to my question.

I'm thinking it's not possible, but I figured I would ask anyways. First 
an example of my serviceextinfo.cfg:

define serviceextinfo{
         host_name               my-host-example
         service_description     DISKS
         notes_url               http://link-to-my-graph
         icon_image              graph.gif
         icon_image_alt          View graphs

Can I specify more than one pointer from within a container? For 
example, I have disks being monitored and I have say three graphs being 
generated from my mrtg configurations. With the current setup however I 
can only make a direct link to one of those graphs with only one little 
image showing up under that particular service. I would like to be able 
to show three images on the service DISKS with a link to each 
corresponding graph?

If not no big deal, I can always just create a directory, point Apache 
to it, and have my image link open to that directory, where you can 
select the graph you want to look at. I was just trying to make it 
"pretty" looking from the Nagios interface though. Thanks for any replies.


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