VMWare gsx/esx

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Nov 28 21:22:07 CET 2005

>I get unfortunaly for all my queries:
>Error: Unable to retrieve SNMP VM data
>Searching in the Code i saw a variable : my($VMOID) = 
>""; But with the snmpwalk i can't find 
> or enterprises.6876 OID,

I assume that you can retrieve other SNMP details, and that your SNMP daemon
is correctly configured.  If not, then the solution is obvious :)

Also, make sure you are sending the query to the service controller, not to
the virtual machine!

Also, make sure that your VMWare server is running not only snmpd but also
vmware-snmpd (the helper process that does the 6876 enterprise).  This
should also be hooked in in the snmpd.conf -- if you used the vmware snmp
setup script then it should have done this for you.  Restart both snmpd and
vmware-snmpd (in that order).

The SNMP MIB I have for VMWare specifies enterprise 6876, and we use vmware
2.x.  Check to see what enterprise yours has.


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