Inexplicable service escalation behaviour

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Thu Oct 6 17:28:46 CEST 2005

Ralph.Grothe at wrote:
> Dear List Subscribers,
> although I have already asked how to properly set up an
> escalation scheme
> a couple of weeks ago here (sorry, only find time to continue
> Nagios fumbling
> every now and then at work, and at home it would be useless due
> to lacking testing ground
> (ok, I could emulate a host and network farm by vmware or xen
> etc., but that's too much fuss))
> I desperately need further assistance.
> I am not getting on with this.
> I swear that I've read carefully the sections on escalations in
> the Nagios docs at least thrice 
> by now.
> And the presented examples in the docs sound very convincing to
> me 
> (though a bit far-fetched) so that I very well can gather, I
> suppose, how it should work - in *theory*.
> My objective seems very trivial to me.
> I just want Nagios to send a *single* notification by using my
> "file-service-sc-ticket"
> (misc)command definition to our trouble ticketing system,
> but at the same time keep continuing sending out repetetive
> notifications to the 
> various admin recipients at the common notification intervall
> (at least the latter is working).

Create a small script that checks the value of the macro 
$NOTIFICATIONNUMBER$ (or some such, check the docs for exact name). If 
it's any higher than 1, don't send to the ticketing system. This is by 
far the easiest way of doing reverse escalations.

OTOH, if you're technical staff aren't doing anythingh about network 
problems, you have other trouble that (to me) seem far more urgent.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

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