submitting acknowledgement via commandline
jeff vier
boinger at
Mon Oct 10 22:46:26 CEST 2005
On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 15:12 -0500, Terry wrote:
> I am sure I am overlooking something big. The subject says what I want
> to do. Do I have to do this via the cgi somehow or is there an external
> command I can use that I am not seeing. I am using version 1.x.
This has been discussed recently. Check the archives.
However, I'm feeling unusually charitable, so I've attached my ack'er
Feel free to use it or not. :)
Usage notes can be gotten by running it without arguments (of course,
you shouldn't do that blindly...look at the code to make sure I'm not
tricking you into erasing your hard drive and starting a chain letter or
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