Limiting absolute floods of emails/sms
Nathan Oyler
noyler at
Thu Oct 20 17:32:12 CEST 2005
> Nathan Oyler wrote:
> > I wanted to know if anyone had some tips in limiting floods of
emails or
> > sms messages.
> >
> > Right now we use parent child relationships, but with 400 hosts
> > are times when the oddest things happen which will cause a huge
> > of flooding.
> >
> > Is there a way to cap the amount of notifications that come out at a
> > time?
> >
> Not really, except disabling notifications when the shit hits the fan.
> If you're talking about notifications that nobody cares about you need
> to tweak your thresholds, notification_options or
It's notifications that people care about, it's really the amount of
Example, today we've had an issue where several machines from one
location to another have experienced packet losses.
Each one causes a warning or critical notification, and a recovery.
That's a lot of messages while we work on correcting the problem at one
time. I could schedule downtime for that location but that is a pretty
harsh reaction to the problem.
It would be preferable to do something like catch all messages every 15
minutes, and then a condensed version of what's going on. One
notification email which lists each issue for the last 15 minutes? Maybe
if there have been 5 emails or more in the last 15 minutes, or some
other criteria.
To do something like this, would one want to edit the command for emails
to go out, and change it to call a script which would hold the
information as to what was happening, and deal with it in that respect.
Would this be a bad idea in your mind?
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