Status Map Woes

Leonard Miller Leonard.Miller at
Thu Sep 8 14:44:17 CEST 2005

I've recently seen problems with status map, now it's my turn.

I can see the map, but all my hosts are in a circle with 
the ? image representing each host. 

I created a hostextinfo.cfg file and added 
to my nagios.cfg file.  I tried changing the coords
for my host several times, but it just won't budge.

So far this is all I have in my hostextinfo.cfg file:
define hostextinfo{
        host_name       HOSTNAME
        notes           Wireless WDS
        2d_coords       300,550
        3d_coords       100.0,50.0,75.0

Running Nagios 2.0b4
What I am trying to do is move because I want set my wireless radios
in a tree under the WDS. 

Thanks in advance

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