parent/child and alerts
Andreas Ericsson
ae at
Mon Sep 12 17:48:41 CEST 2005
Rossz Vamos-Wentworth wrote:
> I need to improve how alerts are handled. This morning the internet
> connection on my nagios server went down. This resulted in none of the
> remote tests working. I had thought nagios automatically checked if the
> host was reachable if there was a test failure, but from alerts I'm
> receiving, this turns out to not be true (or I screwed up something in
> the configuration.
You screwed up your configuration.
> What must I do to receive only a single alert for each host when the
> internet connection is down instead of an alert for each service?
Un-screw your configuration. If you use the parents directive (in an
un-screwed up way) you should only get very few alerts in a situation
like this.
> A
> bonus would be to supress all the alerts if the nagios server loses its
> connection. I could configure one of the remote servers to test my
> primary nagios server's connection and send out an alert if it's
> unreachable.
Just re-read the manual regarding object configuration. It'll dawn on
you in a couple of tries.
Andreas Ericsson at
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