Nagios - Newbie
td3201 at
Tue Apr 4 01:59:28 CEST 2006
Welcome. I recommend sticking with the rpm installation with both Nagios
and Apache. If you need to compile nagios for some reason, use the
source rpms.
Good luck,
Curtis Herrmann wrote:
> I am currently digesting the documentation for Nagios 2.0 from the
> Nagios Website. I intend to start my first installation after I finish
> reading the documentation which seems to be very straightforward.
> The question that I have is in reference to the base OS installation.
> I will be using Fedora Core 4, and would like to ask if there are any
> recommendations or documents about a box specifically dedicated to
> Nagios.
> Example: Should I accept the “Web Servers” default installation from
> Anaconda, or should I download a specific Apache version from any
> particular place etc. Same question with Compiler installs.
> These questions all in the context of what is best for a foundation
> for a Nagios box.
> Kind Regards,
> Curtis
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