Nagios 2.1 unstable?
Ian Chard
ian.chard at
Tue Apr 4 12:50:42 CEST 2006
Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just building a new server with Nagios 2.1 and it seems to topple
> over quite easily. At present it only lasts about 5 to 10 seconds.
> The syslog consistently shows:
> Apr 3 23:40:18 nagios: SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT:
> arwen;MYSQL;STARTED; Service appears to have started flapping (23.4%
> change >= 20.0% threshold)
> Apr 3 23:40:18 nagios: Caught SIGSEGV, shutting
> down...
I also had this problem for a while, but it seems to have settled down.
I ran it under a debugger for a few days and the damn thing refused to
crash! :-)
- Ian
Ian Chard, Unix & Network Administrator | E: ian.chard at
Systems and Electronic Resources Service | T: 80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F: (01865) 242287
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