integrating swatch with nagios
tomvo at
tomvo at
Tue Apr 4 20:00:54 CEST 2006
I'm trying to integrate swatch in nagios (via passive checks, I want
swatch as a reaction to a 'hit' run the submit_check_result into a passive
But I'm having a lot of problems with the commandline parameters. for
example, swatch offers the $_ parameter containing the entire line from
e.g. a solaris message file. But these files then to contain characters
that are interpreted by the shell such as [ and ' and whatever.
Basicly, I want to search a logfile for a regular expression, and if
there's a match, I want the entire line to be sent to nagios (preferrably
via a passive check).
I do not want to use the nagios plugin checklog because it's too kludgy
for my taste.
How do you integrate logfile parsing in to nagios ? I've installed SEC
also ( but it appears to be far too
complex for my needs.
Thanks for your input on this matter.
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