Errors in my log since upgrade to 2.1
Ton Voon
ton.voon at
Wed Apr 5 17:13:26 CEST 2006
Are there are any errors in syslog? I'm guessing you've run out of
memory? Or maybe the nagios user has reached a ulimit for maximum
number of processes?
On 5 Apr 2006, at 15:07, Gabriel Matthews wrote:
> This is still a problem. The service won't stay running for a 24
> hour period.. I don't know exactly how long it stays up, because I
> don't have any way of monitoring the service without it.. Kinda a
> vicious cycle.
> I've tried Marca Ramos' suggestion of reducing the service reaper
> interval, but this didn't seem to help.
> Please let me know if I can send any config files or anything that
> might help solve this puzzle.. it's really hurting us if our
> process isn't running, and SBC kills the T1s to one of our remote
> offices and we don't get paged (which is what happened right now :-\
> I appreciate any help you can provide!
> --
> † Gabriel Matthews
> Senior Network Support Technician
> Cinergy Communications
> Gabriel Matthews wrote:
>> I upgraded to Nagios 2.1 over the weekend, and since then, I've
>> been having some problems. It runs fine during the day, handles
>> notifications fine, everything works great. When I come in the
>> next day, the process has stopped, and the log file is full of this:
>> [1144102973] Warning: The check of service 'ping' on host 'pmad-
>> sw-01' could not be performed due to a fork() error. The check will
>> be rescheduled.
>> [1144102973] Warning: The check of service 'ping' on host 'pkc-
>> rt-01' could not be performed due to a fork() error. The check will
>> be rescheduled.
>> [1144102973] Warning: The check of service 'ping' on host 'pcc-sw-
>> a9' could not be performed due to a fork() error. The check will
>> be rescheduled.
>> [1144102973] Warning: The check of service 'ping' on host
>> 'evvlinlwt-ert-01' could not be performed due to a fork() error.
>> The check will be rescheduled.
>> And I mean full.. I monitor 87 hosts / 171 services, and it makes
>> that log file a monster to dig through to find anything besides
>> these errors.
>> My 'ping' check is as follows:
>> # 'check_ping' command definition
>> define command{
>> command_name check_ping
>> command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w
>> $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p 3
>> }
>> And....
>> [root at mithrandir libexec]# ./check_ping -help
>> check_ping (nagios-plugins 1.4.2) 1.49
>> Any ideas?
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