start a script automatically
Marc Powell
marc at
Wed Apr 5 17:35:12 CEST 2006
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marco Borsani [mailto:m.borsani at]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 2:59 AM
> To: Marc Powell
> Cc: 'NAGIOS'
> Subject: R: [Nagios-users] start a script automatically
> -}Marc wrote:
> -}
> -}Not without the rest of the error that you chopped off.
> -}What's the '....' part? That's probably the most useful bit
> -}of information. You've been on the list long enough to know
> -}we need more information than that
> -};)
> Complete message is:
> Warning: Attempting to execute the command
> "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/restart-http $SERVICESTATE$
It's a moot point now it seems but in the future, there should be even
more to this error and the variables would have been filled in. From the
code, the complete line will look like --
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,"Warning: Attempting to execute the
command \"%s\" resulted in a return code of %d. Make sure the script or
binary you are trying to execute actually exists...\n",cmd,result);
The return code would have been the interesting part.
A real example --
var/archives/nagios-04-11-2004-00.log:[1081457063] Warning: Attempting
to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping 100 100 5000.0 5000.0 -p 1 -t 30" resulted in a return
code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute
actually exists...
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