timeperiod which excempts 1. monday every month?
Subhendu Ghosh
sghosh at sghosh.org
Thu Apr 6 15:19:20 CEST 2006
On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Klavs Klavsen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a few services which we monitor with nagios, where there's a
> service-window every 1. monday of the month (between 2 and 5 am) and I
> keep getting woken by it (SMS sent to the guard). Problem is that I don't
> want to except every monday morning from 2 to 5am.
> I also have a few other servicewindows which works similarly and annoys me
> currently.
> Is this supported by any version of Nagios?
Nagios timeperiods only considers day of week and hours in timeperiods.
Otherwise the logic would have to be a whole lot of code and then having
to deal with locales...
The best way to get the 1st monday of the month would be to schedule
down-time for the particular days.
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