AW: RE: CSV output out of availibility Reports
Sand Philipp
Philipp.Sand at
Fri Apr 7 09:20:26 CEST 2006
> >Hi there,
> >
> >I remember a patch fort he avail.cgi, with which, you could
> >generate a cs= v output out of each avail.cgi report. I
> >already did some research in this list and with google, but I
> >can't fin= d the patch any more. Can anyone please give me a
> >hint, where I can download this patch? Has anyone tested this
> >patch with the new version of the avail.cgi in Nag= ios 2.1?
> avail.cgi has _always_ done CSV output (as long as you choose
> all hosts or all services).
> It's up to you to filter the CSV by any means you care to choose.
> If you want some help, try
> - either putting all the CSV records in a DB and use SQL
> (if you are serious about reporting you prob want to do this).
> - Nagios::Report
> (munges and filters the CSV from avail.cgi).
I was aware, that you can do this csv output when selecting all services
or all hosts. As wehave about 500 Hosts and 3000 Services, this is no
option when you want to make a report for the last 90 days.
As I said, there had been a patch for this, which I already applied to
my old Nagios Installation, but I didn't save this patch, and don't know
where I can download it.
> >Question for Ethan: why isn't this patch integrated into the
> >avail.cgi by= default? Is this planned for a future release?
> Patches welcome.
When this patch would have been applied to the avail.cgi, I wouldn't
have the problem I got now ;)
> BTW, there are bugs in avail.cgi relating to scheduled down time
> that are probably more important than this.
I know, I already had to fight with this Problem, but I think that this
bug is fixed in 2.1.
> >Thanks in advance!
> I probably didn't do your letter justice. It seems on reflection that
> you meant you want the patch for avail.cgi that generates CSV from
> a specific availability report eg a new link in the report for
> a host or service that does CSV.
> However, I think it has been made pretty clear from the Nag roadmap
> the CGIs have been end of lifed and will be replaced by PHP. I think
> that
> is a much better use of scare developer resources than trying
> to fix difficult and fragile code.
As I said obove, the patch had already been developed, so you don't need
to sink hundrets of hours to apply it. I'm totally aware of the Nagios
Roadmap. But I'm not expecting Nagios 3.0 to be released in the near
> As Radia Perlman said about sub-optimal routing, 'people should be
> grateful
> that their data is delivered at all'.
Hmm, would be nice to see, when you tell this to your customers :-)
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