Tracking MySQL threads?
JB Segal
jailbait at
Tue Apr 11 18:46:40 CEST 2006
So, the check_mysql plugin will tell me how many threads are running:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mysql -H mysql_host -u read_only -p ro_passwd
Uptime: 4132404 Threads: 9 Questions: 2062339993 Slow queries: 770
Opens: 3766477 Flush tables: 12 Open tables: 512 Queries per second
avg: 499.065
but as near as I can tell it won't let me alert on anything other than
a simple up/down (response/no response) test.
Does anyone have a plugin that will alert on "Threads: nnn" >foo or
<bar, or know of how to get check_mysql to do that? (What I want is
check_procs, but for a single monolithic binary.)
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