one to one service dependencies
trasko at
Thu Apr 13 02:36:52 CEST 2006
What I would like:
define servicedependency{
hostgroup_name hg_a
service_description service_m
dependent_host_name hg_a
dependent_service_description service_n
execution_failure_criteria o
notification_failure_criteria w,u
As written, service_n on every host in hg_a is dependent on service_M
on EVERY OTHER host in hg_a. I would like to define a dependency for
service_n on service_m on EACH host in hg_a (also stated, I want to
service_n to be dependent on service_m on the same host, but I don't
want to make a servicedependency definition for every single host).
I have seen this question come up a few times in the past in the
archives, but looking through the official docs and poking at the
source leaves me thinking this is not included in version 2.2.
Here's a post of someone who made a patch for 2.0:
I'll make another patch if necessary, but I figured I should check
this list first. Is there any plan on having this functionality
anytime soon? Does anyone have another way around this?
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