Epn problems with perl plugin
Mieden, Rick van der
rick.vandermieden at orangemail.nl
Fri Apr 14 15:10:58 CEST 2006
I tried your suggestion, but it didn't work out. Any other sugestions
are very welcome.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lynne.G.Lawrence at uscg.mil [mailto:Lynne.G.Lawrence at uscg.mil]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 14:58
To: Mieden, Rick van der; nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Epn problems with perl plugin
lgl> my notes inline
-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-admin at lists.sourceforge.net on behalf of
Mieden, Rick van der
Sent: Fri 4/14/2006 6:46 AM
To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] Epn problems with perl plugin
Hi All,
I'm installing a new nagios server with 2.1 (upgrade 2.2 will
soon) We've have a running nagios 2.0b3 server and I just copied
over my
homebrewed perl plugins to the new server.
I noticed the embedded perl is a bit stricter in this 2.1
version, I
compiled nagios with embedded-perl and some of my plugins were
not using
the use strict option, I adjusted all of them and they are
working fine
except one.
To check some processes I've created a perl script which uses
ssh to
login gather the info I need and do some checkings:
open (PS, "ssh -p 22 -o Protocol=2 $o_host -C \"ps -ef|
$o_name | /bin/grep -v grep\" |") || die("ps -ef????");
lgl> maybe try:
lgl> open (PS, qq;ssh -p 22 -o Protocol=2 $o_host -C 'ps -ef|
/bin/grep "$o_name" | /bin/grep -v grep' |;) || die("ps -ef????");
This works for all my processes in the datacenter, except one.
there I
need to check for the following proces: HLRTMD3 -t
The -t has to be included and I covered this in the 2.0b3
version with
"HLRTMD3\ -t" the backslash did the trick to deal with the -t
In 2.1 I have the correct output on commandline, but in the
Interface I get: (0 of HLRTMD3 -t processes running <= 0 :
Anybody an idea how to tackle this? Is there a way I can
re-produce this
on commandline and have some troubleshooting output. Anybody
with this and a solution?
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