Submitting active check results?
Thibault Genessay
tgenessay at
Fri Apr 14 16:26:37 CEST 2006
Kyle Tucker wrote:
> I'm missing something here.
Certainly :)
>In the extinfo.cgi page,
>all my active service checks on my central server have a link
>to submit "passive" service checks, which actually allow me to
>change the state of service checks and I assume the external
>command for this is PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT, true? Why is
>there no corresponding active check command? Also, if I set the
>service to active_checks_enabled=1 and passive_checks_enabled=0,
>I don't have the ability to submit this result. So is an active
>service check also always a passive?
An active check result is a the rseult of a checking action that was
initiated by Nagios, a passive check result is one that was not.
What Nagios actually handles in the passive checking model are only the
*results* that are fed to the daemon through the external command file.
It would be meaningless to sumbit an "active" check result to Nagios.
This is why a service or host is not by nature "active" or "passive". It
can be checked using one method, the other or both, according to the
settings of the two config variables you mention.
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