Status map circular markup background bug
Dave E Martin
nagios-to.dave at
Fri Apr 14 20:36:36 CEST 2006
I have noticed the following bug and am not sure where to report it.
We have a number of hosts with multiple parent links, and this seems to
confuse the circular markup status map. It draws the green (or pink)
background colors in BOTH places where the relevent nodes could be, even
though the nodes are only drawn in one of the places.
Also sometimes it seems to crowd things together a little too much
(icons and text overlapping other icons and text), even when there is
room for it to spread things out more. I suspect this may also be
related; when there are two parent links, and as a result it could draw
the icons in the 3rd outer circle in one position, or in the 7th outer
circle in the other position, it seems to draw the icons in the 3rd
outer circle, but using the spacing for the 7th outer circle, or vs versa.
I couldn't find any other reports of these particular status map problems.
I can provide an example image of the status map showing these problems
if necessary and someone tells me where to put/email it.
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