Scheduler issue - nagios 2.0
Cédric Temple
cedric.temple at
Sun Apr 16 11:24:32 CEST 2006
Le Samedi 15 Avril 2006 02:56, Ron Gage a écrit :
> Greetings:
> I have a nagios implementation on Suse SLES 9.0, compiled 2.0 from source.
> I am seeing extremely high latency - in excess of 300 seconds on average
> with service checks. Host checks are running fairly high too - also over
> 300 seconds on average.
> Any ideas why I am seeing such high latency rates?
Try to change service_reaper_frequency value (in nagios.cfg) from 10 to 2.
Cédric Temple
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux
Linagora SA
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