Distributed / Central and hosts in pgsql
Demetri Mouratis
dmourati at cm.math.uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 28 01:22:27 CEST 2006
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Shawn Holland wrote:
> Using some transport protocol to upload the device config from each
> distributed server to the central server. (SSH/SCP) and drop it into a conf=
> ig
> dir. Then restarting nagios on the central server.
> I wont need another script to concatinate them. I just need to use
> shared k= eys and allow access to a directory that is specified as a
> cfg_dir
> The only problem with this method is that there could be syncronization
> problems.
> What are your thoughts on this?
My configuration was essentially what you described, minus postgresql on
the distributeds. I had a shell script generate configuration files on
each distributed. Then, I ran a nagios -v against that resultant file to
verify it. Once it verified, I used rsync over ssh to push the
configuration set as a directory on over to central. For security
reasons, I used ssh keys plus command limitations to allow only mkdir and
rsync commands from distributed to central. Then, I had a cron job script
on central to "pick up" new distributed configurations as they arrrived.
In all, it worked really well. One note of caution was that nsca started
to break down with a large number of services. I was on Nagios v 1.2 and
I know some good work has been done on that front for 2.0. Also,
2.0 has better support for cfg_dirs and recursive directories which
make things easier. Keep in mind you will need to do some cleanup on
central to turn active checks into passive ones. Another poster hit that
point as well.
Instead of using nsca to push the data across in a OCSP method, I used an
MTA (postfix) plus GPG to ship the data changes across.
Hope that helps.
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