notify via sms

Askar Ali askarali at
Sat Jan 7 07:32:11 CET 2006

Hi, list i know this question has been repeated many times on this list 
but I still need your help and suggestion.

Here is the related text from nagios FAQ..
#Nagios command obj
# 'host-notify-by-gnokii' command definition
define command{
command_name host-notify-by-gnokii
command_line /opt/nagios/bin/sms_notification_by_gnokki $CONTACTPAGER$ 
"Nagios Host Alert \n\n $HOSTALIAS$ is $HOSTSTATE$; $OUTPUT$; $DATETIME$"

send sms example script:
# Gnokii Plugin script
# (c) Horst venzke
# v 0.1 - 17.01.2004

echo $mess | gnokii --sendsms $number


My problem is that my gnokii is running on another machine then nagios, 
can someone guide me how to pipe message from  nagios machine to machine 
running sms gateway (gnokii) ?
so that " echo $mess | gnokii --sendsms $number" do the sending of sms.



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