Question about Linux Distros
Tedman Eng
teng at
Fri Jan 13 19:49:46 CET 2006
Given the choice of running RHEL vs Fedora in an enterprise environment, I
would choose RHEL, no contest. Any single release of Fedora won't be
supported/maintained 12 months from now, whereas RHEL will recieve
back-ported security updates for 5 years forward. For a recomended platform
for an enterprise monitoring system, security, maintenance, and stability
are main selling points. Fedora is a great, free, cutting edge, community
supported distro. With Fedora, I'd be scared of it changing under my feet
by the time I installed it. Are you backporting/self-compiling the latest
security fixes, kernel patches, etc? Or is it worth $150 of your time to
have engineers at RedHat do that for you for an entire year.
I use Fedora on some of my desktop machines, but for servers I perfer RHEL
for those reasons.
> From: Sand Philipp [mailto:Philipp.Sand at]
> We run Nagios on Fedora Core 2 without any Problems so far...
> Why wouldn't you recommend it to run Nagios on Fedora?
> >
> > All 3 Linux distros you mention run Nagios equally well. The only
> > difference being the Nagios packages, which are all 3rd
> party. If I had
> > to
> > vote, I'd put RHEL (not Fedora) 1st, Debian 2nd, and Suse 3rd.
> >
> > My bias towards RedHat is due to their enterprise-friendly Kickstart
> > Installer (which is not necessarily nagios related)
> >
> > Debian probably has better repositories, but you're only
> installing once
> > and
> > leaving the repositories alone after that. Besides, you'll
> probably want
> > to
> > keep a copy of the packages that got installed, so in case
> of a disaster
> > you
> > can recover to the same version, which a repository won't
> always keep
> > around.
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