Notifications via jabber
Frederik Vanhee
frederik.vanhee at
Thu Jan 19 07:47:54 CET 2006
I set up nagios-notifications via jabber.
I have a jabber-server running on my Nagios box (really easy to set up,
I used the notify_via_jabber script from David Cox found on the
Nagiosexchange. It's a little perl script to transforms your message to
a valid jabber message and sends it to the jabber-server.
Now, we made some enhancements to the script, so that you can add html
tags to the text if you add --html. When you invoke the script without
--html, it behaves as before.
'old' behaviour'
enhanced_notify_by_jabber jabberid "this is my text"
'new' behaviour
enhanced_notify_by_jabber jabberid --html "this is my text, this is
Can someone pass me the e-mail address of David Cox, so I can ask hem to
put the new script on Nagiosexchange, because I tried to add it as a
comment, but I had a lottle of trouble with html-tags...
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