Monitor a Clustered Service
josh2780 at
Fri Jul 7 16:31:06 CEST 2006
I have 2 radius servers authenticating users for VPNs,
wireless, etc. Currently I have Nagios monitoring both
servers (host and radiusd process). If either the host
or radiusd (on both servers) return a down or warning
state I get a page... as usual.
Is it possible to configure Nagios to send the
page/notification as usual during certain time periods
(setup in timeperiods.cfg) when either of the 2 radius
servers reports a problem BUT only send a
page/notification when both servers report a problem
on other time periods (i.e. at night when I'm asleep).
I'd imagine this could be done by setting up a
duplicate set of host/service watches and have one set
alert during the day and the other set alert during
the night only when both hosts/radiusd trigger a
warning or critical state. But I'd like to make this
as simple as possible.
I hope this all makes sense. I know you'll let me know
where I need to clarify. :)
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