advise on upgrage?

Robert Snyder rns3 at
Thu Jul 27 22:37:04 CEST 2006


I am currently running Nagios 2.2 on an Mac OS X box. I used the
instructions from Mark Duling, and the darwin ports site.

It has been running since April and appears to be working just fine. 

I finally added parent relationships, and broke up my all inclusive
minimal.cfg file into individual, host, hostgrp, services, etc.
configuration files. 

Looking over the change log, I am not sure I see any must haves for
moving up to 2.5. 

What is the general consensus on grading for point releases? 

Are there significant benefits for going from 2.2-2.5?



Robert Snyder
Outreach Technology Services
The Pennsylvania State University
151A Outreach Building
University Park  PA  16802
Phone: 814-865-0912  Fax: 814-865-4406 
E-mail: rsnyder at

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