Nagios and/or GroundWork

Oliver Marshall Oliver.Marshall at
Wed Jun 7 14:39:25 CEST 2006

Thanks to the chaps at GroundWork OpenSource, I have been playing around
with their newly released GroundWork Virtual Machine for VMWare.

What are other peoples opinions on Groundwork, if any ? I love what it
does, and it makes some things really simple. However, the interface
itself seems to be fairly sluggish, even on our quad xeon monster VM
server, and theres a lot of clicks to get at the information you need.
Also, it runs on Redhat, which I have never been a fan of, preferring
Mandriva (aka Mandrake). This means that any work done via SSH typically
needs to be thought about a lot more before its done.

Just curious as to what peoples opinions are really. I'm tempted by
Groundwork, but I'm also put off by a lot of things and may stay with
Nagios proper on Mandriva.


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