Nagios notifications

Jim Perrin jperrin at
Tue Mar 7 15:17:22 CET 2006

> I have been asked by my management to "create a list of WHAT we are currently monitoring and WHEN someone is notified and WHO that someone is".  This seems pretty trivial, just go through the all the configuration files and cut-n-paste the desired information.  A very time consuming task, and something that would need to be updated from time to time.

> Is there a better way?  If not, for those intimate with Nagios internals, any estimate on how much work would be involved in traversing the internal data structures and producing a report? I've got a programming background, and willing to tackle this myself if needed.
> Thanks

I may not be understanding what exactly your management is asking for
here, so bear with me. Isn't this EXACTLY the information that the web
interface provides? The host details page shows what hosts you're
checking, the service details page shows what services on which hosts
you're checking, and the notifications reporting page shows what
notifications have been sent out recently. If he wants to know further
details, your PHB can click on the configuration information and see
who teh contact and contact groups are. That said... be careful about
giving your boss THAT much access to things. Managers need to be kept
on a short leash, lest they think they have the power to make changes.

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