Derek J. Balling
deballing at
Wed May 10 16:19:01 CEST 2006
On May 10, 2006, at 10:07 AM, Sandeep Narasimha Murthy wrote:
> 1.The server in question has 2 CPUs. When Nagios invokes
> check_load, does it monitor both the CPUs and reports the combined
> load average ?
There is only one load average. Load Average is the number of
processes in the wait state. They might be there because CPUs are all
in use, they might be there because they're blocking on I/O, or swap,
or any of a number of other things.
Certainly CPU blocking is the most commonly encountered reason a
process might be wait, but by far not the only reason.
> 2. What are the CRITICAL, WARNING and OK thresholds for Load
> Average ? I mean when does it launch a Critical state ?
I think that's based on the arguments you pass to check_load IIRC. I
know in my environment, we don't even want to know about it til the
load average gets around 15 on the 5-minute or 15-minute averages
(spikes on the 1-minute average we don't care about, we know they
happen, it's only an issue for us if they persist).
Your mileage will definitely vary on that, based on your own situation.
Derek J. Balling
Systems Administrator
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave
Box 13 - Computer Center 217
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
(845) 437-7231
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