
Thibault Genessay tgenessay at
Fri Oct 6 15:37:06 CEST 2006

Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Bart van Daal wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> i've been searching around for a way to define holidays in nagios. The
>> object is
>> to be able to use a 24-7 timeperiod on holidays (e.g. 25 december) and
>> the Tech_hours 
>> timeperiod on 'normal' days:
> afaik, there are no solutions for this inside Nagios. Most people who 
> need this desperately enough have implemented the functionality in the 
> notification-script. I believe the reason no solution has been posted 
> online is that whatever solution is used isn't sharable across national 
> borders.

Yep, Nagios did not help us for that so we have implemented it in a 
custom notification script. In fact, Nagios is configured for everything 
in 24x7 notification periods, and the script does the filtering, so 
Nagios ignores whether any notification is actually sent. This might 
seem uncomfortable, but we've been using this technique for quite a long 
time now and no problem ever arouse from it.

Here is a snippet from our Python notification script, if it can help 
you write your own. Please note that the holidays are the french ones, 
you'll need to add/remove yours, depending on your country.


# Algorithm:
def getEasterDate(year):
     century = year/100
     G = year % 19
     K = (century - 17)/25
     I = (century - century/4 - (century - K)/3 + 19*G + 15) % 30
     I = I - (I/28)*(1 - (I/28)*(29/(I + 1))*((21 - G)/11))
     J = (year + year/4 + I + 2 - century + century/4) % 7
     L = I - J
     EasterMonth = 3 + (L + 40)/44
     EasterDay = L + 28 - 31*(EasterMonth/4)
     return time.mktime([year, EasterMonth, EasterDay, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1])

def getPublicHolidays(year):
     easter = getEasterDate(year)
     day = 3600*24
     days = []
     # lundi de paques
     days.append(easter + day)
     # ascension
     days.append(easter + 39*day)
     # vendredi saint (alsace, suisse)
     ## days.append(time.gmtime(easter - 2*day))
     # lundi de pentecote
     days.append(easter + 50*day)
     # fetes fixes
     days.append(time.mktime([year,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # jour de l'an
     days.append(time.mktime([year,5,1,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # fete du travail
     days.append(time.mktime([year,5,8,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # armistice 39-45
     days.append(time.mktime([year,7,14,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # fete nationale
     days.append(time.mktime([year,8,15,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # assomption
     days.append(time.mktime([year,11,1,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # toussaint
     days.append(time.mktime([year,11,11,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # armistice 14-48
     days.append(time.mktime([year,12,25,1,0,0,0,0,-1])) # noel

     return days

if name == '__main__':
     holidays = getPublicHolidays(thisyear)
     curtime = time.localtime()          # a struct_time with 
     curtimets = time.time()             # a UNIX timestamp
     is_holiday = False
     holidays = getPublicHolidays(curtime.tm_year)
     dayspan = 3600*24;
     for day in holidays:
         if curtimets >= day and curtimets < day+dayspan:
             is_holiday = True #damn
     # Now you can do whatever you want with your message: decide to 
send it or not based on the value of is_holiday.

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