check_oracle plugin returns - CRITICAL - ORA-12154:TNS: count not resolve service name

Az az at
Tue Oct 10 22:34:53 CEST 2006

Bret Goodfellow wrote:
> I'm wondering if this could be some sort of authentication problem.  
> When I run the ssh command as nagios, I get the expected reponse:
> *dev02: # su - nagios*
> *nagios at dev02:~> ssh -i /usr/local/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa olympus 
> "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle --tablespace mwmt01 nagios 
> password TS01 98 96"*
> *mwmt01 : TS01 OK - 18.80% used [ 487 / 600 MB available 
> ]|TS01=18.80%;96;98;0;100*
> *nagios at dev02:~>*
> ** 
> When I run the ssh command as root, this is where I get the failure:
> *nagios at dev02:~> su - root*
> *dev02: #*  *ssh -i /usr/local/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa olympus 
> "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle --tablespace mwmt01 nagios 
> password TS01 98 96"*
> **CRITICAL - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name**
> *dev02 <mailto:s at dev02>: #*
> ** 
> Now, notice when I switch back to nagios and run check_by_ssh (not to 
> be confused with ssh), I get the same error as above:
> *dev02: # su - nagios*
> *nagios at dev02 <mailto:nagios at dev02>:~> 
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_by_ssh -H olympus -i 
> /usr/local/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa -C 
> "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle --tablespace mwmt01 nagios 
> password TS01 98 96" -l nagios*
> *CRITICAL - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name*
> *nagios at dev02:~> *
> Notice that the last two commands have the same result.  The first is 
> using *ssh* as user _root_, and the second is using *check_by_ssh* as 
> user _nagios_.  Yet, if I run ssh as user nagios I then get the 
> expected response.  Any ideas?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **
While I am not an Oracle guru, my first thoughts are that the user does 
not have the necessary oracle environment variables setup, thus your 
tnsnames.ora cannot be located. I'd start off by confirming that point 
first, then try using tnsping to test that the tnsnames.ora is setup 
correctly. I dont recall how SSH and environment variables inheritance 
occurs, which may be another issue in itself.

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