Graphing solutions comparision

Tedman Eng teng at
Tue Oct 31 21:20:15 CET 2006

Hi Nagios Users,

I'm attempting to categorize the various graphing solutions and need input
from people familiar with the various projects.
>From what I can tell, the graphing add-ons are mostly divided into 2 schools
of thought:

1. Let the standard nagios plugin decide the status, and then graph the
(NagiosGrapher, PNP, others?)

Nagios plugin "check_snmp -w 50" retrieves value "60%"
Nagios plugin checks 60 > 50, Alarms "Warning!"
Nagios plugin passes "60%" to be graphed (from perf data, regex of output,
Grapher inserts 60 into RRD

2. Rewrite the plugin to graph, and then decide the status based on the RRD
(Apan, Oreon, others?)

Grapher plugin "check_graph_snmp -w 50" retrieves value "60%"
Grapher inserts 60 into RRD
RRD returns  "New=60, Previous=50, Avg=55"
Grapher plugin checks 55 > 50, Alarms "Warning!"

The advantage of solution 2 is that thresholds can be based on the RRD
calculation, which is AFAIK the only way to alarm on COUNT data types.  The
disadvantage is that custom plugins need to be written, or in some cases a
check_graph wrapper.  Also, check latency is increased by the amount of time
required to insert the values into the RRD file.

Please let me know your experiences of which fits into which category, of if
I've mischaracterized any of the above.


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