Disable host checks

Tedman Eng teng at dataway.com
Wed Sep 27 01:13:11 CEST 2006

First off, could you describe the troubleshooting steps that led you to
conclude you needed to disable host checks?  That's a drastic measure to
take and produces many undesirable side effects.

Without a host check command, there's nothing to reset the host state to
"Host UP", so it will stay in the previous state recorded.

If you cannot ping a host, but it is providing SOME sort of reachable
network service, you should still define a host test of some sort (use
check_tcp).  "Host Check" in Nagios is a synonym for "Reachability Test".

> -----Original Message-----
> From: G Bit [mailto:routed2000 at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:09 PM
> To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Disable host checks
> Hi,
> I have disabled host checks by not defining the check_command 
> in the host definition. I used
> to have it, but I removed it. But I still get host DOWN 
> notifications like PING failed. How can I
> go about debugging this.
> Thanks.
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