check_by_ssh vs nrpe discussion (was check_by_ssh)
mark.potter at
mark.potter at
Thu Dec 13 18:12:26 CET 2007
"mark redding" <mwjredding at> wrote on 12/13/2007 10:36:16 AM:
> Hi,
> On 13/12/2007, mark.potter at <mark.potter at> wrote:
> >
> > Currently I know of no risk associated with running NRPE however any
> > that opens a port on a system can become a risk. After much debate and
> > discussion we have decided to use check_by_ssh in our environment for
> > very reason. It may not be a risk at the moment but it could become a
> > in the future. I am not a hacker so I can't say what could happen with
> > existing code to cause a risk but the possibility remains. Our
decision was
> > based in simplicity as there is less to install on each system, fewer
> > configurations to maintain, less risk as no new daemons are
> > Everyone else may have different mileage in their own environments.
> I can see that a poorly implemented "check_by_ssh" based system (ie.
> where the remote end fails to have extremely tight control on what can
> be run) can be less secure that using nrpe (where the remote nrpe.cfg
> file specifies who can communicate with it and exactly which commands
> (inc params) it can run) given that there is a password-less key
> exchange taking place and therefore anyone gaining access to the
> account with the key is then able to gain shell level access to the
> remote machine.
> For example, if the local host does not have it's private key
> protected properly, or indeed if the root password on the localhost is
> weak then :-
> $ ssh -i /home/nagios/.ssh/id_rsa -l nagios remote-host
> gets you straight onto "remote-host". Just because it has the letters
> 'ssh' in it does not make it un-exploitable.
> Anyway, It's horses for courses I suppose.
It all depends on your ssh setup. When you have tight controls for ssh in
place, which you should to begin with, then check_by_ssh isn't an issue.
The situation which you describe already has one box being rooted by a
weak password and improper permissions on the private key file. SSH is a
service already running on most Linux boxes and if the sysadmin has it
that borked to begin with then it really isn't going to matter which is
more secure (nrpe or check_by_ssh) because the overall system is at risk
from the ground up.
Nothing is un-exploitable but we all try to make sure our systems are
secure. In our case it made sense to go with check_by_ssh for the reasons
listed and not to mention we had just overhauled our ssh policies and
implemented even more access controls. It also allowed us to not have to
drop configurations onto multiple servers and in that way made managing
the overall system easier.
That said I have worked for a webhost where we used nrpe and I never had
any problems. In most cases it's six in one hand and a half dozen in the
other. It all boils down to the environment into which you walk when
implementing Nagios. If you walk into one with a well setup ssh security
policy and a paranoid security team the check_by_ssh is likely how you
will end up going but in a lot of other cases nrpe is not an issue. I have
done both and will likely end up doing both again.
Horses for courses indeed!
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