Delay notification/escalations

Israel Brewster israel at
Fri Dec 14 18:34:52 CET 2007

I need some clarification of how nagios will respond to something I am  
trying to do. I have a number of hosts I am monitoring that I want  
nagios to note immediately (well, almost) if they go down, but I don't  
want to receive a notification unless they stay in a hard down state  
for more than, say, 5 minutes. Now if I understand things correctly, I  
can accomplish this using host escalations by setting the notification  
options on the host to n (none) and the notification interval to 5  
minutes, and then setting up a host escalation with a  
first_notification directive of 2. Does this sound correct?

I have a couple of concerns about this setup. From my reading of the  
documentation (correct me if I am wrong), it sounds as though  
escalations only change the contact_groups and notification_periods of  
the notifications. If I have the notification options of the host set  
to n, does the escalation override this? If not, and I set the host  
notification options to, say, d,r, then how do I prevent a  
notification being sent out immediately when the host goes down? Does  
the notification_interval directive even have any effect if the  
notification_options are set to none? The last thing I want to do is  
try making this change, and end up not being notified at all when a  
host goes down for an extended period of time. Thanks.

Israel Brewster
Computer Support Technician
Frontier Flying Service Inc.
5245 Airport Industrial Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 450-7250 x293

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