SNMP Question

mark.potter at mark.potter at
Fri Dec 14 20:27:05 CET 2007

nagios-users-bounces at wrote on 12/14/2007 01:15:33 

> I am trying to view the status of port 1 on a Cisco 2970 switch. 
> However, Nagios is giving me an UNKNOWN error.  I tried running the 
> following from a command prompt:
> ./check_snmp -H <IP of the switch> -C <string> -o ifOperStatus.1 -r 1
> I get the following response:
> SNMP OK - up(1) | RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.1=up(1)
> If I am getting this response at the command prompt, why isn't the 
> monitor coming up green in Nagios?
> Thanks,
> Mike
Are you running the command as the nagios user when you run it from the 
command line?
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