Why Mysql on plugin installation part II

Mestdagh Tommy Tommy.Mestdagh at geosolutions.be
Mon Feb 12 15:13:42 CET 2007


  Got it running.

Now the next mysql issue,  all gui tools I find ( naming, fruity,
groundwork ) ,  for  configuring nagios seems to work using a mysql.  

Are there any tools out that  are not storing data in  mysql  ?? 


Again regards  







Van: Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)
[mailto:andy.shellam-lists at mailnetwork.co.uk] 
Verzonden: maandag 12 februari 2007 13:19
Aan: Mestdagh Tommy
CC: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Onderwerp: Re: [Nagios-users] Why Mysql on plugin installation


Mestdagh Tommy wrote: 

Found ! 

./configure --without-mysql

Strange.  On my system it builds without mysql by default, and you
supply "--with-mysql" if you want MySQL included.


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